
I'm starting this blog in to write articles about various tech topics that interest me. Hope to give back some opinions and insight back to the community.

The blog is starting as a static site generated by Gatsby and based off of React. The articles are transformed from a Markdown source. The site is hosted in Azure with a Storage Account and CDN (overkill). The site is setup with CI/CD triggered by Git commits, all hosted in Azure Dev Ops Pipelines and Repos respectively.

Not sure if I need anything interactive at this point in the site, but if I do I'll probably add any functionality via Azure Functions and Azure Serverless SQL DB.

Darkmode is toggleable via the sun/moon icon. Automatically detect machine/browser configuration (via CSS media query prefer-color-scheme) and respects that unless toggled by the user.

Find out more about me in the About or reach out to me on LinkedIn.

© Mark Peterson 2019 - 2021